Cyndie's Story
Cyndie has twenty-seven years of teaching experience, a master’s degree in Education, has been a writing instructor at The University of Central Arkansas and Central Bible College, and is a National Board Certified Teacher.
Cyndie is the author and developer of the Smarty Britches series: Smarty Britches: Nouns and Smarty Britches: Verbs. These educational books teach Nouns and Verbs to elementary-aged children; they also teach the cultural literacy of the South. The printed books are available on BarnesandNoble.com and Amazon.com.
The interactive book apps are also available for iPads on iTunes.
My Tiny Inspirations
The Smarty Britches Brothers: Jackson & Wyatt
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Smarty Britches
Book App Download
My Smarty Britches book app and printed book series align with educational needs. The book apps are interactive, and my website also provides activities for the book apps and printed books that parallel with the subject of each story. The book apps and activities align with Common Core State Standards, use upper levels of Bloom’s taxonomy, are cross curricular, present cultural differences, and support reading fluency and strategies. Smarty Britches: Nouns and Smarty Britches: Verbs are available on iTunes.

Sascyn Publishing
Sascyn Publishing is an independent publisher and an Arkansas-based company; I focus on teaching literacy through technology: Edutainment. I will always believe the printed book is precious, but I also know that a variety of media is important to reach and teach today’s kids. They were born into this technological era; this is how they learn; this is how we meet their educational needs – with technology.